Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist Father at all Masses and other services. It is a very special ministry to be so close to the altar during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Most servers are young people from our parish, but we also have a dedicated group of adults who serve, particularly for weekday Masses and funerals. Boys and girls, ages nine and above, are welcome to join the ranks of our altar servers. We have many high school age youth who serve. Mickie Cooper trains our servers and coordinates the schedule.
If you would like to become an altar server, please contact our parish office at (814) 322-4789 or if you prefer email, please click here for parish email addresses.
Cassocks are provided by the parish, so there is nothing to buy. You just have to have a sincere interest and willingness to serve. Your parents must be willing to make sure you have transportation so you can be at church about 15 minutes before Mass when you are scheduled to serve. This gives you time to light the candles and prepare the altar. We urge all parish youth, both boys and girls, to consider becoming an altar server.